
"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong."

1 Corinthians 16:13

Men of all ages and stages of life come together to study the Word, be immersed in rich fellowship, and to disciple and be discipled. Beit Tikvah offers short-term small group sessions throughout the year, as well as quarterly men's breakfasts. We strive to equip our men with the spiritual knowledge and discipline to lead and love well.

Quarterly Men's Breakfasts

Breakfast of champions, four times a year.

Every quarter, the men gather to eat a hearty breakfast, followed by worship in song, teaching from Scripture, and meaningful fellowship. Friendships are formed and bonds are strengthened.

Small Groups

A few times a year, the men at Beit Tikvah gather to dive deep in their study of the Word.
These multi-week studies are often accompanied by an additional book study and discussion on how to practically apply Yeshua's Word to life.

Contact Us

Have questions about the men's ministry at Beit Tikvah?